Taco Town

This New York Times story about taco trucks in LA is just brilliant. A really carefully crafted feature story that’s funny but hits on some serious socio-economic issues as it builds momentum. Any article that contains the expression “taco-loving public” should be shooting up the most-emailed list. It’s currently at number 10, I noticed.

OK, back to work, but only because I don’t have a car to go driving in search of the best carnitas. Seriously, I love carnitas.

I also love “Taco Town.”

Update: Man, I’m having a bad couple of weeks w/r/t providing promised links. Should be fixed now above, or click here.

Five-Minute Posts: Sour Apples

This article from today’s New York Times is kinda interesting. I’m fairly Apple-neutral, but I enjoyed seeing the fanatics get called out a bit.

We talked about something similar to “hostile media phenomenon” in the DOE weapons non-proliferation seminar I went to a couple of years ago at Mizzou. No matter how neutral an article about nuclear technology is, someone is bound to think it biased. I’ll probably post on this issue later–it poses interesting problems for journalists, as you’d expect.