Cleaning House

I’m trying to clean up my tags a bit. Here are a couple links I’ve been meaning to pass along:

CO2 Saver — I’m in firm agreement with those who believe guilt isn’t going to get us anywhere in solving environmental problems. I think the truth of the matter is that we start to make a difference when we stop feeling guilty and start trying to do what we can (thanks, Natalie and Casey). Here’s one thing I think we can all do: install this small power management utility. Of course, we all probably could have handled this task on our own, but the CO2 Saver application does the work automatically. I just installed it and will keep you posted about whether it turns out to be a pain. It seems pretty unintrusive.

In Shift to Digital, More Repeat Mammograms — A few years back, I wrote a paper on the migration to digital mammography, and when I saw this article I thought it was interesting to see how things are panning out. As you might expect, the transition from film to digital has been a little rocky, but the experts still seem to think it’s gonna be worth it in the long run. Anyway, I’ve been thinking a fair bit about my radiation sciences days lately (partly because I’m trying to finish up my TOLSToy treatment planning code so my semester can be over), so I felt compelled to pass this along.

Pangramaday — I noticed today that my friend Ryan is taking a week off from his daily pangram-composing discipline. What better time to check out his site and get caught up? I’ve always admired Ryan’s verbal dexterity and have been enjoying this fun, easy read. I thought last Monday’s entry was especially graceful.