Worlds colliding

So, my friend and colleague David Meerman Scott has a new book coming out. As you can see, he’s collecting pictures of the promotional poster hanging in people’s offices, etc. I sent him my contributions today and just had so share, such was the glory of the juxtaposition. The first is boring old me sitting in my boring old office, computer screens ablaze (surprisingly enough, it looks like I’m actually getting some work done). The second one is me in the lab that a bunch of my classmates work in. That’s the Inertial Electrostatic Confinement experiment behind me, a project of our department’s Fusion Technology Institute. The IEC group does not endorse the content of World Wide Rave; they were, however, nice enough to let me get a shot with their gear. Anyway, I can’t wait to see what David’s got up his sleeve. Should be exciting.

Office photo

Lab photo

If you’re surprised to see me in decent clothes, you’re not alone. The reason is that I had to give a talk earlier in the day to some visitors from the University of Tokyo. I haven’t talked much about my research here lately, so I posted the slides, IYI. Please note that although they should stand alone (legitimate thanks, Michael Alley and Co.), these slides do look a little mangled depending on what you’re viewing them with (sarcastic thanks, PowerPoint 2007). Rest assured that I’m not a total moron when it comes to font choice.

As a general PowerPoint PSA, I suggest you also check out Tufte‘s rant about it–mostly because it’s hilarious.

Update: Here’s the photo on David’s WWR page.