me on our wedding day. shout.

CSC gets a new look

It was about time. OK, it was past time.

The old Blogger-based Contraria Sunt Complementa site has been a good personal and professional home base for me since David Meerman Scott convinced me how much I needed one back in 2007. But it was starting to look more than a little dated, and a fresh start seemed like a more tenable project than an overhaul did.

A number of professional projects have me very interested in getting better at WordPress. (Regarding these new projects: “more soon,” which has become the most-used phrase in my vocabulary after “Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.”). Thus, I’ve moved over to that platform. I’ve worked with WP before, but I’m realizing just how much I’ve been missing out on, even just within the world of free themes.

So I hope you like the new look, built on Oxygen by DevPress. And I hope you don’t mind switching over to my new feed. As always, thanks for reading—and enjoy!